KEITH SNOW - Of Goochland County Virginia may have had one of the quickest and most spontaneous hunts that has been reported this spring season. Keith had no plans to hunt on Monday 4/25/16 and was home for lunch at 11:30am and his neighbor called to report a big Tom strutting around a pond with a hen on their rural property. Keith stepped out on his back deck and hit his box call and was cut off immediately by the gobbler, so he quickly went back inside and threw on some camo. It was now 11:45 and he only had 15 minutes of legal shooting time so he crept out his back door as close to the pond as possible without being detected and stuck a hen decoy into the ground about 10 ft from where he set up. Now with only 10 minutes left to legally harvest a spring turkey Keith hit his call and the big Tom with his hen in toe came running hot toward the decoy. When the bird got 16 yards away Keith gave a quick "putt" with his mouth and the bird stopped...KABOOM at 11:55 am!! The bird weighed 20lbs, 10" beard and 1 1/8 spurs.