Doug & Hayden Box - This father and son duo did a double take on 4/13 Saturday. Doug and Hayden showed up @ Goodloe Hunt Club in Buckingham County Va. friday evening in time to roost a Gobbler at last light. The duo went back to the same spot at first light Saturday morning and sat up with some decoys. They clucked a few times and the Ole Tom flew down gobbling his head off and came directly to them. Hayden rolled the bird at 15 yards in full strut. The woods in which they were hunting was full of gobbler action so they sat up on another bird and were talking back and forth but he wasn't coming in. About that time a bird sounded off from behind Doug and Hayden and was coming in quick. They scrambled to switch positions and a few minutes later Doug obliged the the strutting gobbler with a blast from his 12 ga. What a memorable hunt!!!