7 Photos
6 Keys to Spring Gobbler Hunting:
1) SCOUTING- Prior to the season spend some time on the land in which you intend to hunt. Look for turkey sign and cover some ground, but try not to be too invasive as to interrupt the turkey's normal patterns. When scouting do not use turkey or locator calls. Trail camera's come in handy for scouting and patterning Big Tom's. Place the camera at the edge of a field on the property.
2) SETUP- Use the terrain of your hunting property to your advantage. Set up in an area above, or atleast on the same level where you believe the turkeys may travel. As a general note, turkeys prefer to travel uphill as oppossed to downhill when coming to a call. Make sure you have "back cover" and you are not silhoutted. If you're hunting a field set up in the shadows just off the edge of the field. Also set up in area where the Turkeys will not have any obstacles to cross such as creeks, fences or roads before getting to you.
3) PATIENCE- If your calls go unanswered, but you believe that there are turkeys in your area(from scouting trips) give it some time. TURKEYS HAVE NO CLOCK. Don't be concerned with changing calls if the bird is answering but not coming. Wait them out if they are gobbling, they may be with hens. If your calls go unanswered for some time try another call. Also I truly believe the coyote as had an impact over the last decade on the amount of gobbling, so stay optimistic.
4 ) ADAPTABILITY- All turkeys are not created equally....Place yourself where the hens are similar to hunting bucks during the rut. If you feel you must move (and it's safe to do so) adapt to the situation you are presented and use ridges, hills and wood lines to hide your movement and stalk slowly and cautiously.
5) CALLING- Call enough to get acknowledgement both soft and loud. PUT FEEL INTO IT. Once the gobbler is in sight and coming to your call-QUIT CALLING...let him come and be completely still and be in a readied postion to shoot.
6) ROOSTING- 15 minutes before dark on the evening before your next mornings hunt, go to an area where you have found turkey sign by prior scouting, and sit calmly and quietly, listening for birds beating their wings to fly up to roost. Just at last light give a "locator" call a blast and try and pinpoint a gobbler. If this works, come back to that spot the following morning well before daylight and sit up. If you are fortunate enough to "roost" one, you can often "roast" one! This process is a bit easier in an area with big fields and flat ground. It's a bit harder in the mountains.
Types of Calls used:
Mouth calls, box calls, slate/glass/aluminum calls, tube calls- are the most common calls.
**Successful hunters often prefer a mouth call over all others**
Additional Tips:
* When set up use your hands to imitate a turkey scratching in the leaves. The pattern to follow is- once with one hand and twice with the other.
* Decoy use can be advantageous especially when hunting fields.
* Don't let bad weather (rain) deter you from hunting, simply use a blind.
* Use a locator call in the very early morning in order to locate gobblers and set up accordingly.
* Best firearm to use- 10 or 12 gauge shotgun with a tight choke (full or extra full)
* Best ammunition to use #4, #5, #6 size shot
How to Score Your Wild Turkey
You can calculate the score of your turkey https://www.nwtf.org/hunt/records/score
Wild Turkey Lifestyle & Breeding
Keep Safety In Mind:
* Since we will all be dressed in complete Camo (in order to fool the turkeys greatest asset- it's eyesight) refrain from stalking turkeys you may hear in the distance. This distant sound just might be another hunter trying to call birds in. Always assume you are not alone even on private property.
* Do not wear red, white and blue (not because you are non-patriotic) but because those are the exact colors of our Spring Gobblers.
* Never shoot at movement- be SURE of your target!
**It's TICK SEASON so spray down or wash your hunting clothing and shoes with PERMETHRIN....**
Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend
Season Dates
April 4 and 5
- Statewide.
- Bag limit is one turkey (bearded bird only) per youth/apprentice hunter, per weekend.
- Resident and nonresident youth hunters 15 years of age and under or holders of a valid apprentice
hunting license, when in compliance with all applicable laws and licenses, may hunt when accompanied and directly supervised by an adult over the age of 18 who has a valid Virginia hunting license or is exempt from purchasing a hunting license. Nonresident youth of any age need to have the appropriate licenses (unless exempt from purchasing a license). - Hunting hours are from 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.
- Turkeys harvested by youth or apprentice hunters count against their daily and season bag limit.
- Adult hunters accompanying youth or apprentice turkey hunters:
- do not need a deer/turkey license on this weekend.
- may assist with calling.
- shall not carry or discharge a weapon.
- shall maintain close visual and verbal contact with, provide adequate direction to, and can immediately assume control of the firearm.
Spring Turkey Season
Bag Limit
One per day, bearded turkeys only. Hunters may take one, two, or three bearded turkeys depending on how many turkeys were taken in the fall season.
Season Dates
April 11 through May 3
- Statewide.
- One-half hour before sunrise until 12 noon each day.
May 4 through 16
- Statewide.
- One-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
Legal Methods and Restrictions for Spring Firearms and Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend
Special restrictions apply to specific firearms use during these seasons. See Legal Use of Firearms and Archery Tackle and Local Firearms Ordinances for details.
- Arrowguns are allowed.
- Modern firearms.
- Archery tackle.
- Muzzleloading firearms.
- Decoys and blinds may be used.
- It is unlawful to use electronic calls.
- It is unlawful to use dogs, except that dogs may be used to track wounded or dead turkeys (see Hunting with Dogs, page 15).
- When using a shotgun it is unlawful to use or have in possession any shot larger than number 2 fine shot during spring turkey season.
**Spring Gobbler SUNDAY HUNTING is legal on Private land, but NOT on Public land**
Now enjoy your hunt....
* This is one of the most beautiful times of the year to be in the woods. The Dogwoods and flowers are beginning to bloom and the forest is starting it's regrowth and coming alive...
* Take a child on youth day and get them acquainted with this great sport.
Will be having it's 7th Annual "Spring Gobbler Best Photo Contest" which we will all vote on at the end of the season. To enter simply send in your VERY BEST SG harvest pic to jeff@starcitywhitetails.com or send it to us on Facebook and you will be in the running to win some GREAT PRIZES including Star City Whitetails merchandise****WE WILL HAVE A YOUTH WEEKEND CONTEST AS WELL***
All photo's throughout the 2020 season will be in the photo gallery under Spring Gobbler Pics 2020 and shared on the FACEBOOK page.
Check out some of the great VA pictures below that have been submitted through the years!
Star City Whitetails has always, and will continue to encourage folks to take GREAT harvest pictures. My FALL & SPRING contests revolve around QUALITY PICTURE TAKING!
**HERE IS A PHOTO TIP...Set your cell phone on "VIDEO" and pose with your bird, buck, bear harvest etc, then go back and screen shot your favorite moments, and there you have it....GREAT PHOTOS:)
"If a Turkey could smell, you'd never kill one, but they can't so good luck this Spring & send in your pics"
Jeff Phillips
6 Keys to Spring Gobbler Hunting:
1) SCOUTING- Prior to the season spend some time on the land in which you intend to hunt. Look for turkey sign and cover some ground, but try not to be too invasive as to interrupt the turkey's normal patterns. When scouting do not use turkey or locator calls. Trail camera's come in handy for scouting and patterning Big Tom's. Place the camera at the edge of a field on the property.
2) SETUP- Use the terrain of your hunting property to your advantage. Set up in an area above, or atleast on the same level where you believe the turkeys may travel. As a general note, turkeys prefer to travel uphill as oppossed to downhill when coming to a call. Make sure you have "back cover" and you are not silhoutted. If you're hunting a field set up in the shadows just off the edge of the field. Also set up in area where the Turkeys will not have any obstacles to cross such as creeks, fences or roads before getting to you.
3) PATIENCE- If your calls go unanswered, but you believe that there are turkeys in your area(from scouting trips) give it some time. TURKEYS HAVE NO CLOCK. Don't be concerned with changing calls if the bird is answering but not coming. Wait them out if they are gobbling, they may be with hens. If your calls go unanswered for some time try another call. Also I truly believe the coyote as had an impact over the last decade on the amount of gobbling, so stay optimistic.
4 ) ADAPTABILITY- All turkeys are not created equally....Place yourself where the hens are similar to hunting bucks during the rut. If you feel you must move (and it's safe to do so) adapt to the situation you are presented and use ridges, hills and wood lines to hide your movement and stalk slowly and cautiously.
5) CALLING- Call enough to get acknowledgement both soft and loud. PUT FEEL INTO IT. Once the gobbler is in sight and coming to your call-QUIT CALLING...let him come and be completely still and be in a readied postion to shoot.
6) ROOSTING- 15 minutes before dark on the evening before your next mornings hunt, go to an area where you have found turkey sign by prior scouting, and sit calmly and quietly, listening for birds beating their wings to fly up to roost. Just at last light give a "locator" call a blast and try and pinpoint a gobbler. If this works, come back to that spot the following morning well before daylight and sit up. If you are fortunate enough to "roost" one, you can often "roast" one! This process is a bit easier in an area with big fields and flat ground. It's a bit harder in the mountains.
Types of Calls used:
Mouth calls, box calls, slate/glass/aluminum calls, tube calls- are the most common calls.
**Successful hunters often prefer a mouth call over all others**
Additional Tips:
* When set up use your hands to imitate a turkey scratching in the leaves. The pattern to follow is- once with one hand and twice with the other.
* Decoy use can be advantageous especially when hunting fields.
* Don't let bad weather (rain) deter you from hunting, simply use a blind.
* Use a locator call in the very early morning in order to locate gobblers and set up accordingly.
* Best firearm to use- 10 or 12 gauge shotgun with a tight choke (full or extra full)
* Best ammunition to use #4, #5, #6 size shot
How to Score Your Wild Turkey
You can calculate the score of your turkey https://www.nwtf.org/hunt/records/score
Wild Turkey Lifestyle & Breeding
Keep Safety In Mind:
* Since we will all be dressed in complete Camo (in order to fool the turkeys greatest asset- it's eyesight) refrain from stalking turkeys you may hear in the distance. This distant sound just might be another hunter trying to call birds in. Always assume you are not alone even on private property.
* Do not wear red, white and blue (not because you are non-patriotic) but because those are the exact colors of our Spring Gobblers.
* Never shoot at movement- be SURE of your target!
**It's TICK SEASON so spray down or wash your hunting clothing and shoes with PERMETHRIN....**
Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend
Season Dates
April 4 and 5
- Statewide.
- Bag limit is one turkey (bearded bird only) per youth/apprentice hunter, per weekend.
- Resident and nonresident youth hunters 15 years of age and under or holders of a valid apprentice
hunting license, when in compliance with all applicable laws and licenses, may hunt when accompanied and directly supervised by an adult over the age of 18 who has a valid Virginia hunting license or is exempt from purchasing a hunting license. Nonresident youth of any age need to have the appropriate licenses (unless exempt from purchasing a license). - Hunting hours are from 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.
- Turkeys harvested by youth or apprentice hunters count against their daily and season bag limit.
- Adult hunters accompanying youth or apprentice turkey hunters:
- do not need a deer/turkey license on this weekend.
- may assist with calling.
- shall not carry or discharge a weapon.
- shall maintain close visual and verbal contact with, provide adequate direction to, and can immediately assume control of the firearm.
Spring Turkey Season
Bag Limit
One per day, bearded turkeys only. Hunters may take one, two, or three bearded turkeys depending on how many turkeys were taken in the fall season.
Season Dates
April 11 through May 3
- Statewide.
- One-half hour before sunrise until 12 noon each day.
May 4 through 16
- Statewide.
- One-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
Legal Methods and Restrictions for Spring Firearms and Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend
Special restrictions apply to specific firearms use during these seasons. See Legal Use of Firearms and Archery Tackle and Local Firearms Ordinances for details.
- Arrowguns are allowed.
- Modern firearms.
- Archery tackle.
- Muzzleloading firearms.
- Decoys and blinds may be used.
- It is unlawful to use electronic calls.
- It is unlawful to use dogs, except that dogs may be used to track wounded or dead turkeys (see Hunting with Dogs, page 15).
- When using a shotgun it is unlawful to use or have in possession any shot larger than number 2 fine shot during spring turkey season.
**Spring Gobbler SUNDAY HUNTING is legal on Private land, but NOT on Public land**
Now enjoy your hunt....
* This is one of the most beautiful times of the year to be in the woods. The Dogwoods and flowers are beginning to bloom and the forest is starting it's regrowth and coming alive...
* Take a child on youth day and get them acquainted with this great sport.
Will be having it's 7th Annual "Spring Gobbler Best Photo Contest" which we will all vote on at the end of the season. To enter simply send in your VERY BEST SG harvest pic to jeff@starcitywhitetails.com or send it to us on Facebook and you will be in the running to win some GREAT PRIZES including Star City Whitetails merchandise****WE WILL HAVE A YOUTH WEEKEND CONTEST AS WELL***
All photo's throughout the 2020 season will be in the photo gallery under Spring Gobbler Pics 2020 and shared on the FACEBOOK page.
Check out some of the great VA pictures below that have been submitted through the years!
Star City Whitetails has always, and will continue to encourage folks to take GREAT harvest pictures. My FALL & SPRING contests revolve around QUALITY PICTURE TAKING!
**HERE IS A PHOTO TIP...Set your cell phone on "VIDEO" and pose with your bird, buck, bear harvest etc, then go back and screen shot your favorite moments, and there you have it....GREAT PHOTOS:)
"If a Turkey could smell, you'd never kill one, but they can't so good luck this Spring & send in your pics"
Jeff Phillips
6 Keys to Spring Gobbler Hunting:
1) SCOUTING- Prior to the season spend some time on the land in which you intend to hunt. Look for turkey sign and cover some ground, but try not to be too invasive as to interrupt the turkey's normal patterns. When scouting do not use turkey or locator calls. Trail camera's come in handy for scouting and patterning Big Tom's. Place the camera at the edge of a field on the property.
2) SETUP- Use the terrain of your hunting property to your advantage. Set up in an area above, or atleast on the same level where you believe the turkeys may travel. As a general note, turkeys prefer to travel uphill as oppossed to downhill when coming to a call. Make sure you have "back cover" and you are not silhoutted. If you're hunting a field set up in the shadows just off the edge of the field. Also set up in area where the Turkeys will not have any obstacles to cross such as creeks, fences or roads before getting to you.
3) PATIENCE- If your calls go unanswered, but you believe that there are turkeys in your area(from scouting trips) give it some time. TURKEYS HAVE NO CLOCK. Don't be concerned with changing calls if the bird is answering but not coming. Wait them out if they are gobbling, they may be with hens. If your calls go unanswered for some time try another call. Also I truly believe the coyote as had an impact over the last decade on the amount of gobbling, so stay optimistic.
4 ) ADAPTABILITY- All turkeys are not created equally....Place yourself where the hens are similar to hunting bucks during the rut. If you feel you must move (and it's safe to do so) adapt to the situation you are presented and use ridges, hills and wood lines to hide your movement and stalk slowly and cautiously.
5) CALLING- Call enough to get acknowledgement both soft and loud. PUT FEEL INTO IT. Once the gobbler is in sight and coming to your call-QUIT CALLING...let him come and be completely still and be in a readied postion to shoot.
6) ROOSTING- 15 minutes before dark on the evening before your next mornings hunt, go to an area where you have found turkey sign by prior scouting, and sit calmly and quietly, listening for birds beating their wings to fly up to roost. Just at last light give a "locator" call a blast and try and pinpoint a gobbler. If this works, come back to that spot the following morning well before daylight and sit up. If you are fortunate enough to "roost" one, you can often "roast" one! This process is a bit easier in an area with big fields and flat ground. It's a bit harder in the mountains.
Types of Calls used:
Mouth calls, box calls, slate/glass/aluminum calls, tube calls- are the most common calls.
**Successful hunters often prefer a mouth call over all others**
Additional Tips:
* When set up use your hands to imitate a turkey scratching in the leaves. The pattern to follow is- once with one hand and twice with the other.
* Decoy use can be advantageous especially when hunting fields.
* Don't let bad weather (rain) deter you from hunting, simply use a blind.
* Use a locator call in the very early morning in order to locate gobblers and set up accordingly.
* Best firearm to use- 10 or 12 gauge shotgun with a tight choke (full or extra full)
* Best ammunition to use #4, #5, #6 size shot
How to Score Your Wild Turkey
You can calculate the score of your turkey https://www.nwtf.org/hunt/records/score
Wild Turkey Lifestyle & Breeding
Keep Safety In Mind:
* Since we will all be dressed in complete Camo (in order to fool the turkeys greatest asset- it's eyesight) refrain from stalking turkeys you may hear in the distance. This distant sound just might be another hunter trying to call birds in. Always assume you are not alone even on private property.
* Do not wear red, white and blue (not because you are non-patriotic) but because those are the exact colors of our Spring Gobblers.
* Never shoot at movement- be SURE of your target!
**It's TICK SEASON so spray down or wash your hunting clothing and shoes with PERMETHRIN....**
Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend
Season Dates
April 4 and 5
- Statewide.
- Bag limit is one turkey (bearded bird only) per youth/apprentice hunter, per weekend.
- Resident and nonresident youth hunters 15 years of age and under or holders of a valid apprentice
hunting license, when in compliance with all applicable laws and licenses, may hunt when accompanied and directly supervised by an adult over the age of 18 who has a valid Virginia hunting license or is exempt from purchasing a hunting license. Nonresident youth of any age need to have the appropriate licenses (unless exempt from purchasing a license). - Hunting hours are from 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.
- Turkeys harvested by youth or apprentice hunters count against their daily and season bag limit.
- Adult hunters accompanying youth or apprentice turkey hunters:
- do not need a deer/turkey license on this weekend.
- may assist with calling.
- shall not carry or discharge a weapon.
- shall maintain close visual and verbal contact with, provide adequate direction to, and can immediately assume control of the firearm.
Spring Turkey Season
Bag Limit
One per day, bearded turkeys only. Hunters may take one, two, or three bearded turkeys depending on how many turkeys were taken in the fall season.
Season Dates
April 11 through May 3
- Statewide.
- One-half hour before sunrise until 12 noon each day.
May 4 through 16
- Statewide.
- One-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
Legal Methods and Restrictions for Spring Firearms and Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend
Special restrictions apply to specific firearms use during these seasons. See Legal Use of Firearms and Archery Tackle and Local Firearms Ordinances for details.
- Arrowguns are allowed.
- Modern firearms.
- Archery tackle.
- Muzzleloading firearms.
- Decoys and blinds may be used.
- It is unlawful to use electronic calls.
- It is unlawful to use dogs, except that dogs may be used to track wounded or dead turkeys (see Hunting with Dogs, page 15).
- When using a shotgun it is unlawful to use or have in possession any shot larger than number 2 fine shot during spring turkey season.
**Spring Gobbler SUNDAY HUNTING is legal on Private land, but NOT on Public land**
Now enjoy your hunt....
* This is one of the most beautiful times of the year to be in the woods. The Dogwoods and flowers are beginning to bloom and the forest is starting it's regrowth and coming alive...
* Take a child on youth day and get them acquainted with this great sport.
Will be having it's 7th Annual "Spring Gobbler Best Photo Contest" which we will all vote on at the end of the season. To enter simply send in your VERY BEST SG harvest pic to jeff@starcitywhitetails.com or send it to us on Facebook and you will be in the running to win some GREAT PRIZES including Star City Whitetails merchandise****WE WILL HAVE A YOUTH WEEKEND CONTEST AS WELL***
All photo's throughout the 2020 season will be in the photo gallery under Spring Gobbler Pics 2020 and shared on the FACEBOOK page.
Check out some of the great VA pictures below that have been submitted through the years!
Star City Whitetails has always, and will continue to encourage folks to take GREAT harvest pictures. My FALL & SPRING contests revolve around QUALITY PICTURE TAKING!
**HERE IS A PHOTO TIP...Set your cell phone on "VIDEO" and pose with your bird, buck, bear harvest etc, then go back and screen shot your favorite moments, and there you have it....GREAT PHOTOS:)
"If a Turkey could smell, you'd never kill one, but they can't so good luck this Spring & send in your pics"
Jeff Phillips
6 Keys to Spring Gobbler Hunting:
1) SCOUTING- Prior to the season spend some time on the land in which you intend to hunt. Look for turkey sign and cover some ground, but try not to be too invasive as to interrupt the turkey's normal patterns. When scouting do not use turkey or locator calls. Trail camera's come in handy for scouting and patterning Big Tom's. Place the camera at the edge of a field on the property.
2) SETUP- Use the terrain of your hunting property to your advantage. Set up in an area above, or atleast on the same level where you believe the turkeys may travel. As a general note, turkeys prefer to travel uphill as oppossed to downhill when coming to a call. Make sure you have "back cover" and you are not silhoutted. If you're hunting a field set up in the shadows just off the edge of the field. Also set up in area where the Turkeys will not have any obstacles to cross such as creeks, fences or roads before getting to you.
3) PATIENCE- If your calls go unanswered, but you believe that there are turkeys in your area(from scouting trips) give it some time. TURKEYS HAVE NO CLOCK. Don't be concerned with changing calls if the bird is answering but not coming. Wait them out if they are gobbling, they may be with hens. If your calls go unanswered for some time try another call. Also I truly believe the coyote as had an impact over the last decade on the amount of gobbling, so stay optimistic.
4 ) ADAPTABILITY- All turkeys are not created equally....Place yourself where the hens are similar to hunting bucks during the rut. If you feel you must move (and it's safe to do so) adapt to the situation you are presented and use ridges, hills and wood lines to hide your movement and stalk slowly and cautiously.
5) CALLING- Call enough to get acknowledgement both soft and loud. PUT FEEL INTO IT. Once the gobbler is in sight and coming to your call-QUIT CALLING...let him come and be completely still and be in a readied postion to shoot.
6) ROOSTING- 15 minutes before dark on the evening before your next mornings hunt, go to an area where you have found turkey sign by prior scouting, and sit calmly and quietly, listening for birds beating their wings to fly up to roost. Just at last light give a "locator" call a blast and try and pinpoint a gobbler. If this works, come back to that spot the following morning well before daylight and sit up. If you are fortunate enough to "roost" one, you can often "roast" one! This process is a bit easier in an area with big fields and flat ground. It's a bit harder in the mountains.
Types of Calls used:
Mouth calls, box calls, slate/glass/aluminum calls, tube calls- are the most common calls.
**Successful hunters often prefer a mouth call over all others**
Additional Tips:
* When set up use your hands to imitate a turkey scratching in the leaves. The pattern to follow is- once with one hand and twice with the other.
* Decoy use can be advantageous especially when hunting fields.
* Don't let bad weather (rain) deter you from hunting, simply use a blind.
* Use a locator call in the very early morning in order to locate gobblers and set up accordingly.
* Best firearm to use- 10 or 12 gauge shotgun with a tight choke (full or extra full)
* Best ammunition to use #4, #5, #6 size shot
How to Score Your Wild Turkey
You can calculate the score of your turkey https://www.nwtf.org/hunt/records/score
Wild Turkey Lifestyle & Breeding
Keep Safety In Mind:
* Since we will all be dressed in complete Camo (in order to fool the turkeys greatest asset- it's eyesight) refrain from stalking turkeys you may hear in the distance. This distant sound just might be another hunter trying to call birds in. Always assume you are not alone even on private property.
* Do not wear red, white and blue (not because you are non-patriotic) but because those are the exact colors of our Spring Gobblers.
* Never shoot at movement- be SURE of your target!
**It's TICK SEASON so spray down or wash your hunting clothing and shoes with PERMETHRIN....**
Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend
Season Dates
April 4 and 5
- Statewide.
- Bag limit is one turkey (bearded bird only) per youth/apprentice hunter, per weekend.
- Resident and nonresident youth hunters 15 years of age and under or holders of a valid apprentice
hunting license, when in compliance with all applicable laws and licenses, may hunt when accompanied and directly supervised by an adult over the age of 18 who has a valid Virginia hunting license or is exempt from purchasing a hunting license. Nonresident youth of any age need to have the appropriate licenses (unless exempt from purchasing a license). - Hunting hours are from 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.
- Turkeys harvested by youth or apprentice hunters count against their daily and season bag limit.
- Adult hunters accompanying youth or apprentice turkey hunters:
- do not need a deer/turkey license on this weekend.
- may assist with calling.
- shall not carry or discharge a weapon.
- shall maintain close visual and verbal contact with, provide adequate direction to, and can immediately assume control of the firearm.
Spring Turkey Season
Bag Limit
One per day, bearded turkeys only. Hunters may take one, two, or three bearded turkeys depending on how many turkeys were taken in the fall season.
Season Dates
April 11 through May 3
- Statewide.
- One-half hour before sunrise until 12 noon each day.
May 4 through 16
- Statewide.
- One-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
Legal Methods and Restrictions for Spring Firearms and Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend
Special restrictions apply to specific firearms use during these seasons. See Legal Use of Firearms and Archery Tackle and Local Firearms Ordinances for details.
- Arrowguns are allowed.
- Modern firearms.
- Archery tackle.
- Muzzleloading firearms.
- Decoys and blinds may be used.
- It is unlawful to use electronic calls.
- It is unlawful to use dogs, except that dogs may be used to track wounded or dead turkeys (see Hunting with Dogs, page 15).
- When using a shotgun it is unlawful to use or have in possession any shot larger than number 2 fine shot during spring turkey season.
**Spring Gobbler SUNDAY HUNTING is legal on Private land, but NOT on Public land**
Now enjoy your hunt....
* This is one of the most beautiful times of the year to be in the woods. The Dogwoods and flowers are beginning to bloom and the forest is starting it's regrowth and coming alive...
* Take a child on youth day and get them acquainted with this great sport.
Will be having it's 7th Annual "Spring Gobbler Best Photo Contest" which we will all vote on at the end of the season. To enter simply send in your VERY BEST SG harvest pic to jeff@starcitywhitetails.com or send it to us on Facebook and you will be in the running to win some GREAT PRIZES including Star City Whitetails merchandise****WE WILL HAVE A YOUTH WEEKEND CONTEST AS WELL***
All photo's throughout the 2020 season will be in the photo gallery under Spring Gobbler Pics 2020 and shared on the FACEBOOK page.
Check out some of the great VA pictures below that have been submitted through the years!
Star City Whitetails has always, and will continue to encourage folks to take GREAT harvest pictures. My FALL & SPRING contests revolve around QUALITY PICTURE TAKING!
**HERE IS A PHOTO TIP...Set your cell phone on "VIDEO" and pose with your bird, buck, bear harvest etc, then go back and screen shot your favorite moments, and there you have it....GREAT PHOTOS:)
"If a Turkey could smell, you'd never kill one, but they can't so good luck this Spring & send in your pics"
Jeff Phillips
6 Keys to Spring Gobbler Hunting:
1) SCOUTING- Prior to the season spend some time on the land in which you intend to hunt. Look for turkey sign and cover some ground, but try not to be too invasive as to interrupt the turkey's normal patterns. When scouting do not use turkey or locator calls. Trail camera's come in handy for scouting and patterning Big Tom's. Place the camera at the edge of a field on the property.
2) SETUP- Use the terrain of your hunting property to your advantage. Set up in an area above, or atleast on the same level where you believe the turkeys may travel. As a general note, turkeys prefer to travel uphill as oppossed to downhill when coming to a call. Make sure you have "back cover" and you are not silhoutted. If you're hunting a field set up in the shadows just off the edge of the field. Also set up in area where the Turkeys will not have any obstacles to cross such as creeks, fences or roads before getting to you.
3) PATIENCE- If your calls go unanswered, but you believe that there are turkeys in your area(from scouting trips) give it some time. TURKEYS HAVE NO CLOCK. Don't be concerned with changing calls if the bird is answering but not coming. Wait them out if they are gobbling, they may be with hens. If your calls go unanswered for some time try another call. Also I truly believe the coyote as had an impact over the last decade on the amount of gobbling, so stay optimistic.
4 ) ADAPTABILITY- All turkeys are not created equally....Place yourself where the hens are similar to hunting bucks during the rut. If you feel you must move (and it's safe to do so) adapt to the situation you are presented and use ridges, hills and wood lines to hide your movement and stalk slowly and cautiously.
5) CALLING- Call enough to get acknowledgement both soft and loud. PUT FEEL INTO IT. Once the gobbler is in sight and coming to your call-QUIT CALLING...let him come and be completely still and be in a readied postion to shoot.
6) ROOSTING- 15 minutes before dark on the evening before your next mornings hunt, go to an area where you have found turkey sign by prior scouting, and sit calmly and quietly, listening for birds beating their wings to fly up to roost. Just at last light give a "locator" call a blast and try and pinpoint a gobbler. If this works, come back to that spot the following morning well before daylight and sit up. If you are fortunate enough to "roost" one, you can often "roast" one! This process is a bit easier in an area with big fields and flat ground. It's a bit harder in the mountains.
Types of Calls used:
Mouth calls, box calls, slate/glass/aluminum calls, tube calls- are the most common calls.
**Successful hunters often prefer a mouth call over all others**
Additional Tips:
* When set up use your hands to imitate a turkey scratching in the leaves. The pattern to follow is- once with one hand and twice with the other.
* Decoy use can be advantageous especially when hunting fields.
* Don't let bad weather (rain) deter you from hunting, simply use a blind.
* Use a locator call in the very early morning in order to locate gobblers and set up accordingly.
* Best firearm to use- 10 or 12 gauge shotgun with a tight choke (full or extra full)
* Best ammunition to use #4, #5, #6 size shot
How to Score Your Wild Turkey
You can calculate the score of your turkey https://www.nwtf.org/hunt/records/score
Wild Turkey Lifestyle & Breeding
Keep Safety In Mind:
* Since we will all be dressed in complete Camo (in order to fool the turkeys greatest asset- it's eyesight) refrain from stalking turkeys you may hear in the distance. This distant sound just might be another hunter trying to call birds in. Always assume you are not alone even on private property.
* Do not wear red, white and blue (not because you are non-patriotic) but because those are the exact colors of our Spring Gobblers.
* Never shoot at movement- be SURE of your target!
**It's TICK SEASON so spray down or wash your hunting clothing and shoes with PERMETHRIN....**
Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend
Season Dates
April 4 and 5
- Statewide.
- Bag limit is one turkey (bearded bird only) per youth/apprentice hunter, per weekend.
- Resident and nonresident youth hunters 15 years of age and under or holders of a valid apprentice
hunting license, when in compliance with all applicable laws and licenses, may hunt when accompanied and directly supervised by an adult over the age of 18 who has a valid Virginia hunting license or is exempt from purchasing a hunting license. Nonresident youth of any age need to have the appropriate licenses (unless exempt from purchasing a license). - Hunting hours are from 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.
- Turkeys harvested by youth or apprentice hunters count against their daily and season bag limit.
- Adult hunters accompanying youth or apprentice turkey hunters:
- do not need a deer/turkey license on this weekend.
- may assist with calling.
- shall not carry or discharge a weapon.
- shall maintain close visual and verbal contact with, provide adequate direction to, and can immediately assume control of the firearm.
Spring Turkey Season
Bag Limit
One per day, bearded turkeys only. Hunters may take one, two, or three bearded turkeys depending on how many turkeys were taken in the fall season.
Season Dates
April 11 through May 3
- Statewide.
- One-half hour before sunrise until 12 noon each day.
May 4 through 16
- Statewide.
- One-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
Legal Methods and Restrictions for Spring Firearms and Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend
Special restrictions apply to specific firearms use during these seasons. See Legal Use of Firearms and Archery Tackle and Local Firearms Ordinances for details.
- Arrowguns are allowed.
- Modern firearms.
- Archery tackle.
- Muzzleloading firearms.
- Decoys and blinds may be used.
- It is unlawful to use electronic calls.
- It is unlawful to use dogs, except that dogs may be used to track wounded or dead turkeys (see Hunting with Dogs, page 15).
- When using a shotgun it is unlawful to use or have in possession any shot larger than number 2 fine shot during spring turkey season.
**Spring Gobbler SUNDAY HUNTING is legal on Private land, but NOT on Public land**
Now enjoy your hunt....
* This is one of the most beautiful times of the year to be in the woods. The Dogwoods and flowers are beginning to bloom and the forest is starting it's regrowth and coming alive...
* Take a child on youth day and get them acquainted with this great sport.
Will be having it's 7th Annual "Spring Gobbler Best Photo Contest" which we will all vote on at the end of the season. To enter simply send in your VERY BEST SG harvest pic to jeff@starcitywhitetails.com or send it to us on Facebook and you will be in the running to win some GREAT PRIZES including Star City Whitetails merchandise****WE WILL HAVE A YOUTH WEEKEND CONTEST AS WELL***
All photo's throughout the 2020 season will be in the photo gallery under Spring Gobbler Pics 2020 and shared on the FACEBOOK page.
Check out some of the great VA pictures below that have been submitted through the years!
Star City Whitetails has always, and will continue to encourage folks to take GREAT harvest pictures. My FALL & SPRING contests revolve around QUALITY PICTURE TAKING!
**HERE IS A PHOTO TIP...Set your cell phone on "VIDEO" and pose with your bird, buck, bear harvest etc, then go back and screen shot your favorite moments, and there you have it....GREAT PHOTOS:)
"If a Turkey could smell, you'd never kill one, but they can't so good luck this Spring & send in your pics"
Jeff Phillips
6 Keys to Spring Gobbler Hunting:
1) SCOUTING- Prior to the season spend some time on the land in which you intend to hunt. Look for turkey sign and cover some ground, but try not to be too invasive as to interrupt the turkey's normal patterns. When scouting do not use turkey or locator calls. Trail camera's come in handy for scouting and patterning Big Tom's. Place the camera at the edge of a field on the property.
2) SETUP- Use the terrain of your hunting property to your advantage. Set up in an area above, or atleast on the same level where you believe the turkeys may travel. As a general note, turkeys prefer to travel uphill as oppossed to downhill when coming to a call. Make sure you have "back cover" and you are not silhoutted. If you're hunting a field set up in the shadows just off the edge of the field. Also set up in area where the Turkeys will not have any obstacles to cross such as creeks, fences or roads before getting to you.
3) PATIENCE- If your calls go unanswered, but you believe that there are turkeys in your area(from scouting trips) give it some time. TURKEYS HAVE NO CLOCK. Don't be concerned with changing calls if the bird is answering but not coming. Wait them out if they are gobbling, they may be with hens. If your calls go unanswered for some time try another call. Also I truly believe the coyote as had an impact over the last decade on the amount of gobbling, so stay optimistic.
4 ) ADAPTABILITY- All turkeys are not created equally....Place yourself where the hens are similar to hunting bucks during the rut. If you feel you must move (and it's safe to do so) adapt to the situation you are presented and use ridges, hills and wood lines to hide your movement and stalk slowly and cautiously.
5) CALLING- Call enough to get acknowledgement both soft and loud. PUT FEEL INTO IT. Once the gobbler is in sight and coming to your call-QUIT CALLING...let him come and be completely still and be in a readied postion to shoot.
6) ROOSTING- 15 minutes before dark on the evening before your next mornings hunt, go to an area where you have found turkey sign by prior scouting, and sit calmly and quietly, listening for birds beating their wings to fly up to roost. Just at last light give a "locator" call a blast and try and pinpoint a gobbler. If this works, come back to that spot the following morning well before daylight and sit up. If you are fortunate enough to "roost" one, you can often "roast" one! This process is a bit easier in an area with big fields and flat ground. It's a bit harder in the mountains.
Types of Calls used:
Mouth calls, box calls, slate/glass/aluminum calls, tube calls- are the most common calls.
**Successful hunters often prefer a mouth call over all others**
Additional Tips:
* When set up use your hands to imitate a turkey scratching in the leaves. The pattern to follow is- once with one hand and twice with the other.
* Decoy use can be advantageous especially when hunting fields.
* Don't let bad weather (rain) deter you from hunting, simply use a blind.
* Use a locator call in the very early morning in order to locate gobblers and set up accordingly.
* Best firearm to use- 10 or 12 gauge shotgun with a tight choke (full or extra full)
* Best ammunition to use #4, #5, #6 size shot
How to Score Your Wild Turkey
You can calculate the score of your turkey https://www.nwtf.org/hunt/records/score
Wild Turkey Lifestyle & Breeding
Keep Safety In Mind:
* Since we will all be dressed in complete Camo (in order to fool the turkeys greatest asset- it's eyesight) refrain from stalking turkeys you may hear in the distance. This distant sound just might be another hunter trying to call birds in. Always assume you are not alone even on private property.
* Do not wear red, white and blue (not because you are non-patriotic) but because those are the exact colors of our Spring Gobblers.
* Never shoot at movement- be SURE of your target!
**It's TICK SEASON so spray down or wash your hunting clothing and shoes with PERMETHRIN....**
Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend
Season Dates
April 4 and 5
- Statewide.
- Bag limit is one turkey (bearded bird only) per youth/apprentice hunter, per weekend.
- Resident and nonresident youth hunters 15 years of age and under or holders of a valid apprentice
hunting license, when in compliance with all applicable laws and licenses, may hunt when accompanied and directly supervised by an adult over the age of 18 who has a valid Virginia hunting license or is exempt from purchasing a hunting license. Nonresident youth of any age need to have the appropriate licenses (unless exempt from purchasing a license). - Hunting hours are from 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.
- Turkeys harvested by youth or apprentice hunters count against their daily and season bag limit.
- Adult hunters accompanying youth or apprentice turkey hunters:
- do not need a deer/turkey license on this weekend.
- may assist with calling.
- shall not carry or discharge a weapon.
- shall maintain close visual and verbal contact with, provide adequate direction to, and can immediately assume control of the firearm.
Spring Turkey Season
Bag Limit
One per day, bearded turkeys only. Hunters may take one, two, or three bearded turkeys depending on how many turkeys were taken in the fall season.
Season Dates
April 11 through May 3
- Statewide.
- One-half hour before sunrise until 12 noon each day.
May 4 through 16
- Statewide.
- One-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
Legal Methods and Restrictions for Spring Firearms and Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend
Special restrictions apply to specific firearms use during these seasons. See Legal Use of Firearms and Archery Tackle and Local Firearms Ordinances for details.
- Arrowguns are allowed.
- Modern firearms.
- Archery tackle.
- Muzzleloading firearms.
- Decoys and blinds may be used.
- It is unlawful to use electronic calls.
- It is unlawful to use dogs, except that dogs may be used to track wounded or dead turkeys (see Hunting with Dogs, page 15).
- When using a shotgun it is unlawful to use or have in possession any shot larger than number 2 fine shot during spring turkey season.
**Spring Gobbler SUNDAY HUNTING is legal on Private land, but NOT on Public land**
Now enjoy your hunt....
* This is one of the most beautiful times of the year to be in the woods. The Dogwoods and flowers are beginning to bloom and the forest is starting it's regrowth and coming alive...
* Take a child on youth day and get them acquainted with this great sport.
Will be having it's 7th Annual "Spring Gobbler Best Photo Contest" which we will all vote on at the end of the season. To enter simply send in your VERY BEST SG harvest pic to jeff@starcitywhitetails.com or send it to us on Facebook and you will be in the running to win some GREAT PRIZES including Star City Whitetails merchandise****WE WILL HAVE A YOUTH WEEKEND CONTEST AS WELL***
All photo's throughout the 2020 season will be in the photo gallery under Spring Gobbler Pics 2020 and shared on the FACEBOOK page.
Check out some of the great VA pictures below that have been submitted through the years!
Star City Whitetails has always, and will continue to encourage folks to take GREAT harvest pictures. My FALL & SPRING contests revolve around QUALITY PICTURE TAKING!
**HERE IS A PHOTO TIP...Set your cell phone on "VIDEO" and pose with your bird, buck, bear harvest etc, then go back and screen shot your favorite moments, and there you have it....GREAT PHOTOS:)
"If a Turkey could smell, you'd never kill one, but they can't so good luck this Spring & send in your pics"
Jeff Phillips
6 Keys to Spring Gobbler Hunting:
1) SCOUTING- Prior to the season spend some time on the land in which you intend to hunt. Look for turkey sign and cover some ground, but try not to be too invasive as to interrupt the turkey's normal patterns. When scouting do not use turkey or locator calls. Trail camera's come in handy for scouting and patterning Big Tom's. Place the camera at the edge of a field on the property.
2) SETUP- Use the terrain of your hunting property to your advantage. Set up in an area above, or atleast on the same level where you believe the turkeys may travel. As a general note, turkeys prefer to travel uphill as oppossed to downhill when coming to a call. Make sure you have "back cover" and you are not silhoutted. If you're hunting a field set up in the shadows just off the edge of the field. Also set up in area where the Turkeys will not have any obstacles to cross such as creeks, fences or roads before getting to you.
3) PATIENCE- If your calls go unanswered, but you believe that there are turkeys in your area(from scouting trips) give it some time. TURKEYS HAVE NO CLOCK. Don't be concerned with changing calls if the bird is answering but not coming. Wait them out if they are gobbling, they may be with hens. If your calls go unanswered for some time try another call. Also I truly believe the coyote as had an impact over the last decade on the amount of gobbling, so stay optimistic.
4 ) ADAPTABILITY- All turkeys are not created equally....Place yourself where the hens are similar to hunting bucks during the rut. If you feel you must move (and it's safe to do so) adapt to the situation you are presented and use ridges, hills and wood lines to hide your movement and stalk slowly and cautiously.
5) CALLING- Call enough to get acknowledgement both soft and loud. PUT FEEL INTO IT. Once the gobbler is in sight and coming to your call-QUIT CALLING...let him come and be completely still and be in a readied postion to shoot.
6) ROOSTING- 15 minutes before dark on the evening before your next mornings hunt, go to an area where you have found turkey sign by prior scouting, and sit calmly and quietly, listening for birds beating their wings to fly up to roost. Just at last light give a "locator" call a blast and try and pinpoint a gobbler. If this works, come back to that spot the following morning well before daylight and sit up. If you are fortunate enough to "roost" one, you can often "roast" one! This process is a bit easier in an area with big fields and flat ground. It's a bit harder in the mountains.
Types of Calls used:
Mouth calls, box calls, slate/glass/aluminum calls, tube calls- are the most common calls.
**Successful hunters often prefer a mouth call over all others**
Additional Tips:
* When set up use your hands to imitate a turkey scratching in the leaves. The pattern to follow is- once with one hand and twice with the other.
* Decoy use can be advantageous especially when hunting fields.
* Don't let bad weather (rain) deter you from hunting, simply use a blind.
* Use a locator call in the very early morning in order to locate gobblers and set up accordingly.
* Best firearm to use- 10 or 12 gauge shotgun with a tight choke (full or extra full)
* Best ammunition to use #4, #5, #6 size shot
How to Score Your Wild Turkey
You can calculate the score of your turkey https://www.nwtf.org/hunt/records/score
Wild Turkey Lifestyle & Breeding
Keep Safety In Mind:
* Since we will all be dressed in complete Camo (in order to fool the turkeys greatest asset- it's eyesight) refrain from stalking turkeys you may hear in the distance. This distant sound just might be another hunter trying to call birds in. Always assume you are not alone even on private property.
* Do not wear red, white and blue (not because you are non-patriotic) but because those are the exact colors of our Spring Gobblers.
* Never shoot at movement- be SURE of your target!
**It's TICK SEASON so spray down or wash your hunting clothing and shoes with PERMETHRIN....**
Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend
Season Dates
April 4 and 5
- Statewide.
- Bag limit is one turkey (bearded bird only) per youth/apprentice hunter, per weekend.
- Resident and nonresident youth hunters 15 years of age and under or holders of a valid apprentice
hunting license, when in compliance with all applicable laws and licenses, may hunt when accompanied and directly supervised by an adult over the age of 18 who has a valid Virginia hunting license or is exempt from purchasing a hunting license. Nonresident youth of any age need to have the appropriate licenses (unless exempt from purchasing a license). - Hunting hours are from 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.
- Turkeys harvested by youth or apprentice hunters count against their daily and season bag limit.
- Adult hunters accompanying youth or apprentice turkey hunters:
- do not need a deer/turkey license on this weekend.
- may assist with calling.
- shall not carry or discharge a weapon.
- shall maintain close visual and verbal contact with, provide adequate direction to, and can immediately assume control of the firearm.
Spring Turkey Season
Bag Limit
One per day, bearded turkeys only. Hunters may take one, two, or three bearded turkeys depending on how many turkeys were taken in the fall season.
Season Dates
April 11 through May 3
- Statewide.
- One-half hour before sunrise until 12 noon each day.
May 4 through 16
- Statewide.
- One-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
Legal Methods and Restrictions for Spring Firearms and Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend
Special restrictions apply to specific firearms use during these seasons. See Legal Use of Firearms and Archery Tackle and Local Firearms Ordinances for details.
- Arrowguns are allowed.
- Modern firearms.
- Archery tackle.
- Muzzleloading firearms.
- Decoys and blinds may be used.
- It is unlawful to use electronic calls.
- It is unlawful to use dogs, except that dogs may be used to track wounded or dead turkeys (see Hunting with Dogs, page 15).
- When using a shotgun it is unlawful to use or have in possession any shot larger than number 2 fine shot during spring turkey season.
**Spring Gobbler SUNDAY HUNTING is legal on Private land, but NOT on Public land**
Now enjoy your hunt....
* This is one of the most beautiful times of the year to be in the woods. The Dogwoods and flowers are beginning to bloom and the forest is starting it's regrowth and coming alive...
* Take a child on youth day and get them acquainted with this great sport.
Will be having it's 7th Annual "Spring Gobbler Best Photo Contest" which we will all vote on at the end of the season. To enter simply send in your VERY BEST SG harvest pic to jeff@starcitywhitetails.com or send it to us on Facebook and you will be in the running to win some GREAT PRIZES including Star City Whitetails merchandise****WE WILL HAVE A YOUTH WEEKEND CONTEST AS WELL***
All photo's throughout the 2020 season will be in the photo gallery under Spring Gobbler Pics 2020 and shared on the FACEBOOK page.
Check out some of the great VA pictures below that have been submitted through the years!
Star City Whitetails has always, and will continue to encourage folks to take GREAT harvest pictures. My FALL & SPRING contests revolve around QUALITY PICTURE TAKING!
**HERE IS A PHOTO TIP...Set your cell phone on "VIDEO" and pose with your bird, buck, bear harvest etc, then go back and screen shot your favorite moments, and there you have it....GREAT PHOTOS:)
"If a Turkey could smell, you'd never kill one, but they can't so good luck this Spring & send in your pics"
Jeff Phillips
6 Keys to Spring Gobbler Hunting:
1) SCOUTING- Prior to the season spend some time on the land in which you intend to hunt. Look for turkey sign and cover some ground, but try not to be too invasive as to interrupt the turkey's normal patterns. When scouting do not use turkey or locator calls. Trail camera's come in handy for scouting and patterning Big Tom's. Place the camera at the edge of a field on the property.
2) SETUP- Use the terrain of your hunting property to your advantage. Set up in an area above, or atleast on the same level where you believe the turkeys may travel. As a general note, turkeys prefer to travel uphill as oppossed to downhill when coming to a call. Make sure you have "back cover" and you are not silhoutted. If you're hunting a field set up in the shadows just off the edge of the field. Also set up in area where the Turkeys will not have any obstacles to cross such as creeks, fences or roads before getting to you.
3) PATIENCE- If your calls go unanswered, but you believe that there are turkeys in your area(from scouting trips) give it some time. TURKEYS HAVE NO CLOCK. Don't be concerned with changing calls if the bird is answering but not coming. Wait them out if they are gobbling, they may be with hens. If your calls go unanswered for some time try another call. Also I truly believe the coyote as had an impact over the last decade on the amount of gobbling, so stay optimistic.
4 ) ADAPTABILITY- All turkeys are not created equally....Place yourself where the hens are similar to hunting bucks during the rut. If you feel you must move (and it's safe to do so) adapt to the situation you are presented and use ridges, hills and wood lines to hide your movement and stalk slowly and cautiously.
5) CALLING- Call enough to get acknowledgement both soft and loud. PUT FEEL INTO IT. Once the gobbler is in sight and coming to your call-QUIT CALLING...let him come and be completely still and be in a readied postion to shoot.
6) ROOSTING- 15 minutes before dark on the evening before your next mornings hunt, go to an area where you have found turkey sign by prior scouting, and sit calmly and quietly, listening for birds beating their wings to fly up to roost. Just at last light give a "locator" call a blast and try and pinpoint a gobbler. If this works, come back to that spot the following morning well before daylight and sit up. If you are fortunate enough to "roost" one, you can often "roast" one! This process is a bit easier in an area with big fields and flat ground. It's a bit harder in the mountains.
Types of Calls used:
Mouth calls, box calls, slate/glass/aluminum calls, tube calls- are the most common calls.
**Successful hunters often prefer a mouth call over all others**
Additional Tips:
* When set up use your hands to imitate a turkey scratching in the leaves. The pattern to follow is- once with one hand and twice with the other.
* Decoy use can be advantageous especially when hunting fields.
* Don't let bad weather (rain) deter you from hunting, simply use a blind.
* Use a locator call in the very early morning in order to locate gobblers and set up accordingly.
* Best firearm to use- 10 or 12 gauge shotgun with a tight choke (full or extra full)
* Best ammunition to use #4, #5, #6 size shot
How to Score Your Wild Turkey
You can calculate the score of your turkey https://www.nwtf.org/hunt/records/score
Wild Turkey Lifestyle & Breeding
Keep Safety In Mind:
* Since we will all be dressed in complete Camo (in order to fool the turkeys greatest asset- it's eyesight) refrain from stalking turkeys you may hear in the distance. This distant sound just might be another hunter trying to call birds in. Always assume you are not alone even on private property.
* Do not wear red, white and blue (not because you are non-patriotic) but because those are the exact colors of our Spring Gobblers.
* Never shoot at movement- be SURE of your target!
**It's TICK SEASON so spray down or wash your hunting clothing and shoes with PERMETHRIN....**
Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend
Season Dates
April 4 and 5
- Statewide.
- Bag limit is one turkey (bearded bird only) per youth/apprentice hunter, per weekend.
- Resident and nonresident youth hunters 15 years of age and under or holders of a valid apprentice
hunting license, when in compliance with all applicable laws and licenses, may hunt when accompanied and directly supervised by an adult over the age of 18 who has a valid Virginia hunting license or is exempt from purchasing a hunting license. Nonresident youth of any age need to have the appropriate licenses (unless exempt from purchasing a license). - Hunting hours are from 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.
- Turkeys harvested by youth or apprentice hunters count against their daily and season bag limit.
- Adult hunters accompanying youth or apprentice turkey hunters:
- do not need a deer/turkey license on this weekend.
- may assist with calling.
- shall not carry or discharge a weapon.
- shall maintain close visual and verbal contact with, provide adequate direction to, and can immediately assume control of the firearm.
Spring Turkey Season
Bag Limit
One per day, bearded turkeys only. Hunters may take one, two, or three bearded turkeys depending on how many turkeys were taken in the fall season.
Season Dates
April 11 through May 3
- Statewide.
- One-half hour before sunrise until 12 noon each day.
May 4 through 16
- Statewide.
- One-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
Legal Methods and Restrictions for Spring Firearms and Youth and Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend
Special restrictions apply to specific firearms use during these seasons. See Legal Use of Firearms and Archery Tackle and Local Firearms Ordinances for details.
- Arrowguns are allowed.
- Modern firearms.
- Archery tackle.
- Muzzleloading firearms.
- Decoys and blinds may be used.
- It is unlawful to use electronic calls.
- It is unlawful to use dogs, except that dogs may be used to track wounded or dead turkeys (see Hunting with Dogs, page 15).
- When using a shotgun it is unlawful to use or have in possession any shot larger than number 2 fine shot during spring turkey season.
**Spring Gobbler SUNDAY HUNTING is legal on Private land, but NOT on Public land**
Now enjoy your hunt....
* This is one of the most beautiful times of the year to be in the woods. The Dogwoods and flowers are beginning to bloom and the forest is starting it's regrowth and coming alive...
* Take a child on youth day and get them acquainted with this great sport.
Will be having it's 7th Annual "Spring Gobbler Best Photo Contest" which we will all vote on at the end of the season. To enter simply send in your VERY BEST SG harvest pic to jeff@starcitywhitetails.com or send it to us on Facebook and you will be in the running to win some GREAT PRIZES including Star City Whitetails merchandise****WE WILL HAVE A YOUTH WEEKEND CONTEST AS WELL***
All photo's throughout the 2020 season will be in the photo gallery under Spring Gobbler Pics 2020 and shared on the FACEBOOK page.
Check out some of the great VA pictures below that have been submitted through the years!
Star City Whitetails has always, and will continue to encourage folks to take GREAT harvest pictures. My FALL & SPRING contests revolve around QUALITY PICTURE TAKING!
**HERE IS A PHOTO TIP...Set your cell phone on "VIDEO" and pose with your bird, buck, bear harvest etc, then go back and screen shot your favorite moments, and there you have it....GREAT PHOTOS:)
"If a Turkey could smell, you'd never kill one, but they can't so good luck this Spring & send in your pics"
Jeff Phillips