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Before heading out take a moment to look over these Morel Mushroom Hunting Tips & Strategies......
The best time to start Morel Mushroom Hunting is late March into early May. Pay attention to the weather. You want some warm days in the 60's and above 40 degrees at night, with a warm rain tossed in to make for the ideal conditions for the Morel to start growing. The Morel Mushroom grows very rapidly, so one day there could be nothing and a couple days later the Morel could be plentiful.
A good rule of thumb before you embark on Morel Mushroom Hunting- is to wait for a good warm rain followed by a few nice warm sunny days and then hit the woods hard.
Now that you are ready to head out make sure you take along a few essentials:
* Pocket Knife
* Either a mesh bag, orange(fruit) bag or onion bag(all of these allow air circulation)-to store Morels
*H20 & a snack
*Walking Stick
In early Spring it's best to concentrate your Morel Mushroom Hunting on Southern facing slopes. These areas will get more direct sunlight and warm ground temperatures much faster. Morel Mushrooms tend to show themselves first in areas that will get more sunlight early in the season. Later on in the season(as the days are hot), hunt Northern facing slopes. These areas get less direct sunlight and will tend to hold moisture longer thus increasing your odds while Morel Mushroom Hunting.
When Morel Mushroom Hunting hills and mountain slopes, always start at the bottom and work your way up. The reason for this is you will be putting yourself closer to eye-level with the terrain and the Morels will be much more noticeable.
When you locate Morels always use your pocket knife to cut the stem just above the ground. Never pull the Morel from the ground. This will destroy the mycelium damaging the Morel's root system resulting in no chance for the Morel returning the next season and thus preventing future spores from producing more Morels in that area. Morels tend to grow in the same place year after year if the root system is not disturbed and as long as conditions are favorable.
When you locate a Morel there will usually be more near by. Get down on the ground and scan the ground ahead of you instead of always looking straight down at it. It may be easier to see Morels at a longer plane of view rather than trying to spot them looking straight down at them.
While Morel Mushroom Hunting- pay as much attention to what is above you as to what is on the forest floor. Morels grow near " Hosting Trees". Hunt hardwoods such as Ash, Elm, Poplar, Maple and Apple Trees. There are others but these are the main hosting trees that the Morels prefer. Dead and decaying host trees are great search areas.
My advice would also be to take along a walking stick. It will definitely help you get up and down hills and you can also use it to flip over leaves without bending down.
Morel Mushroom Hunting is not only fun but a great source of exercise for the whole family, actually children have an easier time seeing the mushrooms because they are closer to the ground.
Happy Morel Mushroom Hunting and Keep us posted on your success!!!
Before heading out take a moment to look over these Morel Mushroom Hunting Tips & Strategies......
The best time to start Morel Mushroom Hunting is late March into early May. Pay attention to the weather. You want some warm days in the 60's and above 40 degrees at night, with a warm rain tossed in to make for the ideal conditions for the Morel to start growing. The Morel Mushroom grows very rapidly, so one day there could be nothing and a couple days later the Morel could be plentiful.
A good rule of thumb before you embark on Morel Mushroom Hunting- is to wait for a good warm rain followed by a few nice warm sunny days and then hit the woods hard.
Now that you are ready to head out make sure you take along a few essentials:
* Pocket Knife
* Either a mesh bag, orange(fruit) bag or onion bag(all of these allow air circulation)-to store Morels
*H20 & a snack
*Walking Stick
In early Spring it's best to concentrate your Morel Mushroom Hunting on Southern facing slopes. These areas will get more direct sunlight and warm ground temperatures much faster. Morel Mushrooms tend to show themselves first in areas that will get more sunlight early in the season. Later on in the season(as the days are hot), hunt Northern facing slopes. These areas get less direct sunlight and will tend to hold moisture longer thus increasing your odds while Morel Mushroom Hunting.
When Morel Mushroom Hunting hills and mountain slopes, always start at the bottom and work your way up. The reason for this is you will be putting yourself closer to eye-level with the terrain and the Morels will be much more noticeable.
When you locate Morels always use your pocket knife to cut the stem just above the ground. Never pull the Morel from the ground. This will destroy the mycelium damaging the Morel's root system resulting in no chance for the Morel returning the next season and thus preventing future spores from producing more Morels in that area. Morels tend to grow in the same place year after year if the root system is not disturbed and as long as conditions are favorable.
When you locate a Morel there will usually be more near by. Get down on the ground and scan the ground ahead of you instead of always looking straight down at it. It may be easier to see Morels at a longer plane of view rather than trying to spot them looking straight down at them.
While Morel Mushroom Hunting- pay as much attention to what is above you as to what is on the forest floor. Morels grow near " Hosting Trees". Hunt hardwoods such as Ash, Elm, Poplar, Maple and Apple Trees. There are others but these are the main hosting trees that the Morels prefer. Dead and decaying host trees are great search areas.
My advice would also be to take along a walking stick. It will definitely help you get up and down hills and you can also use it to flip over leaves without bending down.
Morel Mushroom Hunting is not only fun but a great source of exercise for the whole family, actually children have an easier time seeing the mushrooms because they are closer to the ground.
Happy Morel Mushroom Hunting and Keep us posted on your success!!!
Before heading out take a moment to look over these Morel Mushroom Hunting Tips & Strategies......
The best time to start Morel Mushroom Hunting is late March into early May. Pay attention to the weather. You want some warm days in the 60's and above 40 degrees at night, with a warm rain tossed in to make for the ideal conditions for the Morel to start growing. The Morel Mushroom grows very rapidly, so one day there could be nothing and a couple days later the Morel could be plentiful.
A good rule of thumb before you embark on Morel Mushroom Hunting- is to wait for a good warm rain followed by a few nice warm sunny days and then hit the woods hard.
Now that you are ready to head out make sure you take along a few essentials:
* Pocket Knife
* Either a mesh bag, orange(fruit) bag or onion bag(all of these allow air circulation)-to store Morels
*H20 & a snack
*Walking Stick
In early Spring it's best to concentrate your Morel Mushroom Hunting on Southern facing slopes. These areas will get more direct sunlight and warm ground temperatures much faster. Morel Mushrooms tend to show themselves first in areas that will get more sunlight early in the season. Later on in the season(as the days are hot), hunt Northern facing slopes. These areas get less direct sunlight and will tend to hold moisture longer thus increasing your odds while Morel Mushroom Hunting.
When Morel Mushroom Hunting hills and mountain slopes, always start at the bottom and work your way up. The reason for this is you will be putting yourself closer to eye-level with the terrain and the Morels will be much more noticeable.
When you locate Morels always use your pocket knife to cut the stem just above the ground. Never pull the Morel from the ground. This will destroy the mycelium damaging the Morel's root system resulting in no chance for the Morel returning the next season and thus preventing future spores from producing more Morels in that area. Morels tend to grow in the same place year after year if the root system is not disturbed and as long as conditions are favorable.
When you locate a Morel there will usually be more near by. Get down on the ground and scan the ground ahead of you instead of always looking straight down at it. It may be easier to see Morels at a longer plane of view rather than trying to spot them looking straight down at them.
While Morel Mushroom Hunting- pay as much attention to what is above you as to what is on the forest floor. Morels grow near " Hosting Trees". Hunt hardwoods such as Ash, Elm, Poplar, Maple and Apple Trees. There are others but these are the main hosting trees that the Morels prefer. Dead and decaying host trees are great search areas.
My advice would also be to take along a walking stick. It will definitely help you get up and down hills and you can also use it to flip over leaves without bending down.
Morel Mushroom Hunting is not only fun but a great source of exercise for the whole family, actually children have an easier time seeing the mushrooms because they are closer to the ground.
Happy Morel Mushroom Hunting and Keep us posted on your success!!!